November 2014
Press Release: New Zealand's UN Security Council seat - time for leadership - New Zealand Peace Foundation
The Perils and Potential of Visa Diplomacy: The Importance of Waiting Times (Part 2) - USC Center on Public Diplomacy
“Propaganda Poster 2.0: The Digitization of Outdoor Political Advertising in China’s Cities”, International Communication Association Regional Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, October 2014
Press Release: Concern over New Zealand's association with RIMPAC - New Zealand Peace Foundation
Rights and responsibilities: Good citizenship is needed in the struggle for BYOD security - New Zealand Security Magazine
“All quiet on the Western front: 'Soft war' and reassessing Chinese soft power”, Asian Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, July 2014.
“China’s journalistic public diplomacy in the pre-2008 Olympics crucible”, Asian Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference, University of Western Australia, July 2014
The Perils and Potential of Visa Diplomacy: An Immigration Practitioner’s Perspective - USC Center on Public Diplomacy
Civilisation-State: Modernising the Past to Civilise the Future in Jiang Zemin’s China - China: an International Journal, vol 12, no 1
Shanghai 2010 World Expo at Street Level: The Local Dimensions of a Public Diplomacy Spectacle - USC Center on Public Diplomacy
The tipping point: emerging racism in the first world - New Zealand Peace Foundation Peaceworks Newsletter
Reputation Management: defending against cyber threats and negative online content - New Zealand Security Magazine
The Language of Terrorism in China: Balancing Foreign and Domestic Policy Imperatives - Jamestown Foundation China Brief
December 2013
Center to Periphery (Part II): territorial sovereignty in Chinese cyberspace - DiploFoundation
The Right to Freedom: International day for the abolition of slavery - New Zealand Peace Foundation Peaceworks Newsletter
Center to Periphery: differentiating spheres of control in China’s cyberspace - DiploFoundation
Soft Power Meets Social Management: New Tourism Law to Punish Unruly Travelers Overseas - Jamestown Foundation China Brief
Chinese Public Diplomacy: Winning hearts and minds abroad or at home? - USC Centre on Public Diplomacy
The Snowden Affair (Part 2): State capitalism through the Chinese dreamscape - DiploFoundation
The Snowden Affair (Part 1): ‘Differences’ on the issue of cybersecurity reading more like similarities - DiploFoundation
Refereed Papers
Civilisation-State: Modernising the Past to Civilise the Future in Jiang Zemin’s China - China: an International Journal, vol 12, no 1, April 2014. pp. 22-42.
Nicholas Dynon, “Better City, Better Life? The ethics of branding the model city at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, August 2011. pp.185-196.
Nicholas Dynon, “Four Civilizations and the evolution of post-Mao Chinese socialist ideology”, The China Journal, No. 60, July 2008. pp. 83-109.